Family structure over time

Family structure over time


In Taoism there is a saying: “When the father is the father, the mother is the mother, the eldest son is the eldest son, and the youngest daughter is the youngest daughter, everything in the Universe makes sense.” It refers to the internal order of the primordial energies of nature: heaven, earth, and the elements, their conjunctions and their movements.

In the psyche it arises the same. The father, the mother, the son and the daughter, refer to the conscious, unconscious, subconscious and superconscious. They are changing aspects of our mind and totally linked to each other.

The paintings on family structures by Antonio García Calvente show us these unions, these forms of the psyche, their relationships and the most basic movements between them.

This particular painting shows the essential aspects of the mind as they manifest throughout the time of human life.

Measurements: 195x130cm


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