Triple portrait, 3 in one

Triple portrait, 3 in one

Triple portrait, 3 in one. Oil on canvas. Portrait of a woman with three representations in one. Representation of the triple aspect of the person. Original pictorial expressionist figurative abstract symbolic philosophical by Antonio García Calvente


Triple portrait, 3 in one

Triple portrait, 3 in one. Oil on canvas. Portrait of a woman with three representations in one. Representation of the triple aspect of the person. Original pictorial expressionist figurative abstract symbolic philosophical by Antonio García Calvente

Measurements, technique, reference:

Oil on canvas

Measurements: 100x81cm


Art sale:

From Gallery Totom we manage the sale and transport of this collectible work of art

Three in one 2 oil on canvas

when you are disoriented
when one gets confused
when you don’t know

There are supposed to be three ways it manifests… (That gray smoke).

Not distinguishing between good and bad
Not distinguishing between what is convenient and what is inconvenient
And not knowing what to do

It seems to me that reflecting is not too much
We may be frivolous, in some ways, but let’s start over.
We cannot eternally justify our iniquity
If an entire system of values shows that insisting on the same thing to maintain privileges doesn’t work, it may be prolonging their agony and I don’t think anyone is better than anyone else.
You can say “I DON’T KNOW”
Maybe the confession, who knows, but it can be tried, the professional has a responsibility, that’s why he is.
It is not possible to pretend to always be right, when everything falters, priests, psychologists, psychiatrists,
Philosophers, where they are, is that there is no one there. Not everything is worth it, it must be said, as many times as necessary
In short, that certain values are doubtful, that we are in a delicate moment, band-aids, warm cloths, cannot prevent bleeding, hemorrhages.
I don’t believe we don’t know what’s going on

I’m gonna tell you something

Antonio García Calvente’s commentary on the work

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