• Amantes abstracto
  • Expresionismo pictórico Desnudo de hombre
    Oil paintings

    Man on blue background 46x33cm

    Man on blue background. Figurative expressionist painting. Impasto technique. Artistic painting by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. contemporary painting

  • Retrato hombre ego
    Oil paintings

    Oil Portrait: Ego 41x33cm

    Oil portrait: Ego. Figurative expressionist painting. Impasto technique. Man portrait. Figurative expressionism portrait. Title: Ego. Artistic painting by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. Contemporary painting.

  • Retrato de mujer
    Oil paintings

    Woman portrait in oil 41x33cm

    Woman portrait in oil. Portrait figurative expressionism. Artistic painting by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. contemporary painting


  • Abstracto
    Oil paintings

    Matter Jungian painting

    Matter, Jungian painting. Expressionist art, impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom. Archetypal Jungian spiritual philosophical contemporary painting.




  • Retrato de mujer Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Woman portrait 41x33cm

    Portrait figurative expressionism. Woman portrait. Artistic painting by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. contemporary painting

  • retrato de José Totom
    Oil paintings

    Portrait oil on canvas José 33x41cm

    Portrait oil on canvas José. Oil painting on canvas by Antonio García Calvente, Totom

    Expressionist painting, oil on canvas, with painter’s spatulas. Original by Antonio Garcia Calvente. With impasto technique, with painter’s spatulas.

  • Pintura figuras en movimiento
    Oil paintings

    Abstract Blue figures in motion 27x33cm

    Abstract Blue figures in motion. Abstract figurative expressionist painting. Representation of human figures in movement and their interaction. Oil on canvas with impasto technique with painter’s spatulas, in small format. Original by Antoni García Calvente.

  • pintura azul acrilico
    Acrylic paintings

    Signs from heaven

  • Oil paintings

    Woman portrait oil on canvas 41x33cm

    Portrait of a woman. Figurative expressionist painting. Impasto technique. Woman portrait. Artistic painting by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. Contemporary painting.



  • Cuadro abstracto figurativo Movimiento figuras violeta y rosa
    Oil paintings

    Abstract painting moving figures 35x8cm

    Abstract painting figures in motion. Pink and violets, impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente Totom

  • grabado litográfico retrato ajedrez Antonio García
    Works on paper

    Etching of Abraham

  • Arte erótico desnudo de mujer obra sin título
    Acrylic paintings


  • Mandala abstracción taoísta Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Mandala 1M

  • Sale! pintura pelea arte y psicología expresionista
    Oil paintings

    4 days before God

  • Piedras óleo pintura junguiana
    Oil paintings

    Jungian painting stones 31x19cm

    Jungian painting stones. Expressionist art, impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom. Archetypal Jungian spiritual philosophical contemporary painting.

  • óleo sobre lienzo expresionista humanista art
    Oil paintings

    Humanist oil on canvas 21x30cm

    Humanist oil on canvas. Philosophical, symbolic, spiritual, figurative, expressionist art, with impasto technique, painter’s spatulas. Original artwork by Antonio García Calvente

  • Sale! Retrato azul óleo espátula
    Oil paintings

    Portrait of woman in blue 33x22cm

    Expressionist painting, oil on canvas, with painter’s spatulas. Original by Antonio Garcia Calvente. With impasto technique, with painter’s spatulas.

  • alchemical paintings on paper
  • Retrato acuarela mujer violetas
    Works on paper

    Watercolor portrait of a woman 32x46cm nº4

    Retrato acuarela mujer violetas

    Retrato mujer acuarela sobre papel

    Pieza artística original de Antonio García Calvente.

  • Retrato acuarela mujer
    Works on paper

    Woman portrait 32x46cm nº7

    Portrait of a woman in watercolor. woman watercolor on paper

    Original artistic piece by Antonio García Calvente.

    Measurements: 32x46cm


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