Showing 1–21 of 43 results

  • Cuadríptico expresionista Fases Lunares
    Oil paintings

    Quadriptych Moon phases 82x66cm

    Quadriptych Lunar phases, oil on canvas. Archetypal abstract expressionist painting, impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original artistic work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom.

  • pintura filosófica oleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    The birth of the stone

    The birth of the stone
    Alchemical painting on the process of the birth of matter, through the symbolism of the birth of the stone, showing the two basic aspects (positive and negative) of the form in the final alchemical process of squaring the circle.

    Painted by the Spanish Antonio García Calvente, Totom, in palette knife technique with oil on canvas, from small to large, in expressionist style

    Dimensions: 85x178cm

  • Sale! Abstracción figurativa Árbol
    Oil paintings

    Tree oil

    Oil tree, Taoist symbolic expressionism. Painting of energetic movement on a tree. spiritual artwork

  • Sale! pintura onírica
    Oil paintings

    Throwing rocks

    Throwing rocks

    oil on canvas

    Measurements: 163x130cm

    Ref.: SO1631305

  • Sale! Arquera óleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings


  • paintings astrology zodiac oil on canvas Taurus
    Oil paintings


  • colección arte zodiaco escorpio
    Oil paintings


  • Sagittarius painting
    Oil paintings


    Oleo sobre lienzo

    Dimensiones obra: 130 x 97 Obra realizada en: 2005

  • paintings astrology zodiac oil on canvas
    Oil paintings


    Oleo sobre lienzo

    Dimensiones obra: 130 x 97 Obra realizada en: 2005

  • paintings astrology zodiac oil on canvas Libra
    Oil paintings


    Oleo sobre lienzo

    Dimensiones obra: 130 x 97 Obra realizada en: 2005

  • óleo sobre lienzo, pinturas del zodiaco Virgo
    Oil paintings


    Oleo sobre lienzo

    Dimensiones obra: 130 x 97 Obra realizada en: 2005

  • paintings astrology zodiac oil on canvas aquarius
    Oil paintings


    Oleo sobre lienzo

    Dimensiones obra: 130 x 97 Obra realizada en: 2005

  • piscis
    Oil paintings


    Piscis y el zodiaco

    Óleo sobre lienzo

  • Unicornio pintura abstracta lienzo Totom
    Oil paintings


  • Arte filosófico Encuentro póstumo con Anubis
  • Mujer al óleo
    Oil paintings

    Reclining woman oil painting 97x130cm

    Reclining woman oil painting. Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • pintura Pez ave taoísta
    Oil paintings

    The fish K’un transforming into a bird P’eng

    The fish K’un transforming into a bird P’eng

    taoist painting

    Measurements: 100 x 79 cm

    Ref: SO100971

  • Pintura alquímica Andrógino
    Oil paintings

    Alchemical painting The Androgyne 100x73cm

    Alchemical painting The Androgyne. Androgynous, also called a hermaphrodite or a two-headed being. Oil on canvas. Original Spiritual Symbolic Philosophical Art by Antonio Garcia

  • art and psychology, inner struggle
    Oil paintings

    The superconscious trying to kill the unconscious

    Estructura familiar psíquica arquetípica: el padre, la madre, el hijo mayor y la hija menor.

    Representando cuando el supraconsciente intenta acabar con el inconsciente para llegar al subconsciente, mientras el inconsciente y el consciente se observan cara a cara.

    Medidas: 116x89cm


  • Unconscious against conscience, art and psychology
    Oil paintings

    Cognitive dissonance

  • Pintura óleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    About communication

    about communication

    Oil on canvas

    Measurements: 78x61cm


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