Showing 22–42 of 96 results

  • Tomando una copa de vino pintura sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    Having a wine

    Óleo sobre lienzo

  • pintura abstracta colección amantes
    Oil paintings

    Lovers III, oil on canvas, 146x98cm

    Lovers III, oil on canvas, 146x98cm. Collection of abstract paintings of lovers by the painter Antonio García Calvente Totom, oil on canvas.

  • Jungian art Anima Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings


  • Pintura simbolísta minimalista
  • Oleo Ánima sobre su sombra tras el ánimus de Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Anima upon her shadow behind the animus

    Óleo sobre lienzo

  • Oleo sobre lienzo mujer mirándose al espejo
  • Sale! Orden familiar, arte y psicología, óleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    Family order

  • Sale! Obra figurativa óleo sobre lienzo Caminando por la vida Totom
    Oil paintings


  • Sale! Pintura filosófica Danzando con peces
    Oil paintings

    Philosophical painting Dancing with fish 130x195cm

    Philosophical painting Dancing with fish. Oil on canvas . Taoist philosophical expressionist style painting. Art and psychology. Archetypes and Jungian art.

    Expressionist style painting, Taoist philosophical. It represents the aspects of the psyche dancing with the essential or essential manifestation represented with the fish. The painting represents four women surrounding three men, all in a dance with their arms raised. The three men are the three aspects of the conscious, the four women are the four aspects of the unconscious and subconscious. That women surround men represents how the unconscious psyche surrounds the world of the conscious, trapping it and influencing it.

  • Sale! pintura abstracta colección amantes
    Oil paintings

    Lovers XI, oil on canvas 146x113cm

    Lovers XI, oil on canvas, 146x113cm. Collection of abstract paintings of lovers by the painter Antonio García Calvente Totom, oil on canvas.

  • pintura Vaca feliz
    Oil paintings

    The happy cow

  • Arte erótico Compartiendo
  • Sale! El dragón sobre el busto del héroe
    Oil paintings

    Archetypal Painting The Dragon and the Hero 163x130cm

    Archetypal painting The Dragon and the Hero. The dragon on the hero bust, philosophical Jungian painting on the hero myth. Oil on canvas, original piece by Antonio García Calvente

  • Arte y psicología, Psicosis
    Oil paintings

    Expressionist painting Psychosis I

    Expressionist painting Psychosis. Philosophical art, in a style that seeks to delve into art and psychology. Antonio Garcia Calvente, Totom.

  • painting abstract rain Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings


  • Desnudo de mujer ,óleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    Canvas nude woman 146x81cm

    Oil on canvas nude of Woman. Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • Pintura artística mujer alada Totom Anima
  • Óleo desnudo de mujer
    Oil paintings

    Oil on canvas nude of Woman 97x130cm

    Oil on canvas nude of Woman. Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • Sale! pintura dañada abstracto
    Oil paintings

    Lovers VIII, oil on canvas, 163 x 114cm

    Lovers VIII, oil on canvas, 163 x 114cm. Collection of abstract paintings of lovers by the painter Antonio García Calvente Totom, oil on canvas.

  • detalle hombre mirando al cielo retrato Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Man looking at the sky

    Portrait man looking at the sky. Oil on canvas. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Title: Portrait of a man looking at the sky, oil on canvas. Artistic piece by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. contemporary painting

  • pintor mirando al cielo. Arte simbólico, Symbolism
    Pinturas al óleo

    Painter looking at the sky

    Portrait painter looking at the sky. Oil on canvas. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Title: Portrait painter looking at the sky, oil on canvas. Artistic piece by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. contemporary painting


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