Still life

Still life, still life paintings, expressionist contemporary art
original by Antonio Garcia Calvente

  • Bodegón tres botellas de vino
    Oil paintings

    Still life with three bottles of wine and a bag 100x81cm

    Still life Three bottles of wine and a bag. figurative expressionism. Expressionist pictorial work, original still life by Antonio García Calvente

  • Sale! Bodegon la uva y el vino Totom
    Oil paintings

    Still life grapes and wine 100x81cm

    Still life grapes and wine. expressionist art. Oil on canvas. Abstract piece of still life, bunch of grapes with glass of wine. Original work of the painter Antonio García Calvente

  • óleo caja de manzanas
    Oil paintings

    Box of apples oil 46x55cm

    Box of apples oil 46x55cm. figurative expressionism. Expressionist pictorial work, original still life by Antonio García Calvente

  • Sale! bodegón sardinas Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Still life with sardines

    Still life with sardines in oil on canvas. figurative expressionism. Expressionist pictorial work, original still life by Antonio García Calvente

  • Bodegon con lápices y ceras
    Works on paper

    Still life with infusion

    Still life with infusion

    Crayons on cold pressed paper

    Measurements: 40x30cm


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