Sculture Ying & Yang 1

Sculture Ying & Yang 1

Sculture Ying & Yang 1



This series of Totom sculptures are a Taoist representation of the conjunction and balance of the divine aspects of nature.

One of the key concepts of Taoism is ying and yang. They are two essential forces of nature, opposed to each other, but that complement each other. Light and dark, feminine and masculine, hot and cold, dry and humid, docile and creative.

Tao is the essence of all things, it encompasses everything, it is neither superior nor inferior, neither masculine nor feminine, but it is all at the same time.

In its first manifestation, when it discovers itself, the masculine and feminine principle arises. In the center, the man, represented by the fish that when he looks up sees everything blue, and when he looks down, sees everything blue.

The feminine and masculine energies need each other, without one the other does not exist.

The masculine, the yang, is warm, strong, intense like a dragon, it expands and finds no limits, it is bright, active, it is the sun and the luminous. It tends to expand and manifest.
The feminine, the ying, is cold, weak, dark, humid, it is the moon, the winter. It tends to retain, to hold, to remain.

Ying and yang are understood in three movements: change, differences, and balance.

To understand ying and yang, to integrate their wisdom, is to accept the cycles of life.
Cyclical and natural change is lived in harmony when we allow ying and yang to complement and embrace each other, giving light in their loving embrace, to all beings.

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