Still life with three bottles of wine and a bag 100x81cm

Still life with three bottles of wine and a bag 100x81cm

Still life Three bottles of wine and a bag. figurative expressionism. Expressionist pictorial work, original still life by Antonio García Calvente


Still life Three bottles of wine and a bag

Still life painting, Three bottles of wine and a bag. figurative expressionism. Expressionist pictorial work, original still life by Antonio García Calvente

Measurements, technique, reference:

Oil on canvas

Technique with painter’s spatulas

Measurements: 100x81cm

Ref.: BO100811

Art sale:

From Gallery Totom we manage the sale and transport of this collectible work of art

Bodegón tres botellas de vino
Bodegón tres botellas de vino
firma artística y fecha
firma artística y fecha
firma artística y fecha
firma artística y fecha
detalle bodegón al óleo
detalle bodegón al óleo
detalle bodegón al óleo
detalle bodegón al óleo
detalle bodegón al óleo
detalle bodegón al óleo

Additional information

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