The birth of the stone

The birth of the stone

The birth of the stone
Alchemical painting on the process of the birth of matter, through the symbolism of the birth of the stone, showing the two basic aspects (positive and negative) of the form in the final alchemical process of squaring the circle.

Painted by the Spanish Antonio García Calvente, Totom, in palette knife technique with oil on canvas, from small to large, in expressionist style

Dimensions: 85x178cm



The birth of the stone
Alchemical painting on the process of the birth of matter, through the symbolism of the birth of the stone, showing the two basic aspects (positive and negative) of the form in the final alchemical process of squaring the circle.

Painted by the Spanish Antonio García Calvente, Totom, in palette knife technique with oil on canvas, from small to large, in expressionist style

Dimensions: 85x178cm

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