The squaring of the circle

The squaring of the circle

Expansion of the manifestation in the elements of the square of the alchemist circle.


Expansion of the manifestation in the elements of the square of the alchemist circle.

The squaring of the circle is a symbology that reflects the process of the alchemical work. In this version we can observe the square in different facets in the form of a cross, generating a bundle of manifestations that arise from the initial process.

The initial symbol is a circle within a square, within a triangle, within a larger circle. It represents the philosopher’s stone, the ultimate goal of alchemy.

Squaring the circle means seeing equally in all four directions, it consists of being complete, balanced, integral. The circle represents the infinite, what has no end. The square is a material symbol, representing manifestation, while the circle is a spiritual symbol, representing what cannot be manifested.

The triangle is the union of the body, mind and spirit. It is the force of union from which the four will emerge.

The squaring of the circle also marks the union of man and woman in alchemy, the fusion of the physical and the spiritual.

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