
  • Espacio concéntrico pintura sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    Concentric space, Taoist painting 100x92cm

    Concentric space, Taoist painting 100x92cm. Symbolist abstract painting. Oil on canvas. Minimalist, abstract, philosophical Taoist style painting.

  • pintura Selene diosa
    Oil paintings

    Selene with sword, mythological painting 100x100cm

    Selene, goddess of the moon, sitting on skulls, watching the reflection of the moon in the sea. oil on canvas. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original expressionist pictorial work by Antonio García Calvente

  • pintura Pez ave taoísta
    Oil paintings

    The fish K’un transforming into a bird P’eng

    The fish K’un transforming into a bird P’eng

    taoist painting

    Measurements: 100 x 79 cm

    Ref: SO100971

  • pintura taoísta filosófica peces en el cielo
    Oil paintings

    Taoist painting 81x101cm Fish in the sky

    Taoist painting Fish in the sky. Expressionist style painting, Taoist philosophical. Fish in the Sky is part of a collection of Taoist philosophical symbolic paintings, with an expressionist style, original oil on canvas by Antonio García Calvente

  • díptico animal gallo pintura artística óleo
    Oil paintings

    Rooster, diptych

    Rooster, diptych

    Two joined pieces of 65x70cm each

    Piece with deterioration on the sides

    Ref: SO130701

  • Figurativo desnudo mujer con copa
    Oil paintings

    Figurative expressionism woman with cup 100x74m

    Figurative expressionism woman with cup. Oil on canvas. Painting of a woman with a cup. Original pictorial expressionist figurative abstract symbolic philosophical by Antonio García Calvente

  • Abstracto desnudo mujer
    Oil paintings

    Abstract Female Nude 100x81cm

    Abstract Female Nude. Abstract painting, women’s movement, oil on canvas. Original abstract expressionist pictorial work by Antonio García Calvente

  • Óleo de Mujer, desnudo
    Oil paintings

    Oil of Woman, nude 100x72cm

    Oil of Woman, nude 100x72cm. Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • Mujer secándose el pelo, galería de arte
    Oil paintings

    Woman drying her hair

    Woman drying her hair

    Oil on canvas

    Measurements: 100×81

    Ref: SO100812

  • Retrato triple, arte y psicología
    Oil paintings

    Triple portrait, 3 in one

    Triple portrait, 3 in one. Oil on canvas. Portrait of a woman with three representations in one. Representation of the triple aspect of the person. Original pictorial expressionist figurative abstract symbolic philosophical by Antonio García Calvente

  • Diosa de la noche, óleo
    Oil paintings

    Gods: Nix, the Night

    Gods, Nix, Nicte or Night, goddess of the night

    Oil on canvas

    Measurements: 116×89


  • Pintura alquímica Andrógino
    Oil paintings

    Alchemical painting The Androgyne 100x73cm

    Alchemical painting The Androgyne. Androgynous, also called a hermaphrodite or a two-headed being. Oil on canvas. Original Spiritual Symbolic Philosophical Art by Antonio Garcia

  • Salvapatrias painting
    Oil paintings

    The homeland saver

    Oleo sobe lienzo

  • busto femenino sin cabeza pintura expresionista
    Oil paintings

    Painting of Female Bust (headless) 100x81cm

    Painting of a female bust (headless). Oil on canvas. Original pictorial expressionist figurative symbolic philosophical work by Antonio García Calvente


  • mandala al óleo
    Oil paintings

    Taoist mandala 3 with color 38×55,5cm

    Taoist mandala 3 with color. Third work of the artistic collection of mandalas. Oil on canvas. Original Spiritual Symbolic Philosophical Art by Antonio García Calvente

  • Movimiento abstracto
    Oil paintings

    Movement, abstract painting

    Movement, abstract painting


    Measurements: 100x73cm

  • Óleo de Desnudo
    Oil paintings

    Nude oil 100x81cm

    Nude Oil

    Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • art and psychology, inner struggle
    Oil paintings

    The superconscious trying to kill the unconscious

    Estructura familiar psíquica arquetípica: el padre, la madre, el hijo mayor y la hija menor.

    Representando cuando el supraconsciente intenta acabar con el inconsciente para llegar al subconsciente, mientras el inconsciente y el consciente se observan cara a cara.

    Medidas: 116x89cm


  • Mujer con fondo azul oleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    Woman with blue background 100x81cm

    Woman with blue background. Oil on canvas. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Title: Woman with a blue background, oil on canvas. Artistic piece by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. contemporary painting

  • Arte astrológico transito de Venus
    Oil paintings

    Venus transit, art and astrology 92x65cm

    Venus transit, art and astrology, maternity painting, representation of the astrological influence of Venus. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original pictorial expressionist philosophical symbolist and astrological work by Antonio García Calvente

  • Bodegón tres botellas de vino
    Oil paintings

    Still life with three bottles of wine and a bag 100x81cm

    Still life Three bottles of wine and a bag. figurative expressionism. Expressionist pictorial work, original still life by Antonio García Calvente

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