Painter's spatulas

Painter’s spatulas, artwork with spatulas, impasto technique, expressionist art with painter’s spatulas. Philosophical Spiritual Taoist Art, Totom Gallery Art Collection

  • Mujer al óleo
    Oil paintings

    Reclining woman oil painting 97x130cm

    Reclining woman oil painting. Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • Paloma roja pintura expresionista
    Oil paintings

    Red dove 92x73cm

    Red Dove 2002, painting of a dove on a blue background. oil on canvas. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Original expressionist pictorial work by Antonio García Calvente

  • Iglesia paisaje Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Landscape with church

  • Desnudo mujer brazos al cielo óleo sobre lienzo pintura artística
    Oil paintings

    To heaven

  • Taoist painting
    Oil paintings

    Taoist painting Fish in the sky I 81x101cm

    Taoist painting Fish in the sky. Fish in the Sky is part of a collection of Taoist philosophical symbolic paintings, with an expressionist style, original oil on canvas by Antonio García Calvente

  • pintura taoísta filosófica peces en el cielo
    Oil paintings

    Taoist painting 81x101cm Fish in the sky

    Taoist painting Fish in the sky. Expressionist style painting, Taoist philosophical. Fish in the Sky is part of a collection of Taoist philosophical symbolic paintings, with an expressionist style, original oil on canvas by Antonio García Calvente

  • Sale! Movimiento abstracto lienzo Totom
    Oil paintings

    Movement in pairs

  • Oil paintings

    Lovers XII

    Lovers XII, oil 60x73cm. Collection of abstract paintings of lovers by the painter Antonio García Calvente Totom, oil on canvas.

  • Sale! Paloma, pintura artística dañada
  • pintura acuarelas retrato mujer soñando de Antonio García Calvente
    Pinturas al óleo

    Portrait of a woman in oil

  • Abstracto rosa amantes Antonio
    Oil paintings

    Oil painting Lovers X, 60x73cm

    Oil painting Lovers X, 60x73cm. Collection of abstract paintings of lovers by the painter Antonio García Calvente Totom, oil on canva

  • Abstracto amantes obra completa
    Oil paintings

    Painting Lovers IX, oil on canvas, 60x73cm

    Painting Lovers IX, oil on canvas, 60x73cm. Collection of abstract paintings of lovers by the painter Antonio García Calvente Totom, oil on canvas.

  • pintura hermanos y arbol totom
    Oil paintings

    Brothers in the tree

    Brothers in the tree is an oil painting on canvas of 38x66cn expressionist style by Antonio García Calvente.

  • óleo sobre lienzo árbol floreciendo de Antonio García Calvente
    Oil paintings

    Blooming tree oil

    Blooming Tree oil, represents the figure of a flowering tree regardless of the adversities of autumn weather. It is a Taoist symbolic painting that represents the influences of bad weather in our life

  • Pareja abrazada pintura expresionista
    Oil paintings

    Embracing couple expressionist painting 92x73cm

    Embracing couple expressionist painting 92x73cm, figurative expressionism painting and erotic art, oil on canvas, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • pintura erótica desnudo mujer sobre fondo oscuro
    Oil paintings

    Naked woman on dark background 65,5x69cm

    Naked woman on dark background

    Painting of figurative expressionism and erotic art, technique with painter’s spatulas. Original work by Antonio García Calvente, artistic firm Totom

  • Oleo mujer brazos cruzados
    Oil paintings

    Portrait of woman with arms crossed 61x46cm

    Woman with arms crossed. Oil on canvas. Impasto technique with painter’s spatulas. Title: Portrait of a woman with arms crossed. Artistic piece by Antonio García Calvente, from the artistic firm Totom. figurative expressionism. contemporary painting

  • pintura Sancho Panza óleo sobre lienzo
    Oil paintings

    Sancho Panza

  • retrato Omar expresionismo figurativo
    Oil paintings


  • pintura abstracta figuras en movimiento de Antonio García Calvente
  • Retrato de mujer al óleo
    Oil paintings

    Portrait of a woman 66x77cm

    Oil portrait. Oil on canvas. Figurative expressionist painting. Technique impasto

    Portrait of woman, 2005. Original painting by Antonio Garcia Calvente, Totom

    Dimensions: 66x77cm


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