Archetypal Painting The Dragon and the Hero 163x130cm


Archetypal Painting The Dragon and the Hero 163x130cm

Archetypal painting The Dragon and the Hero. The dragon on the hero bust, philosophical Jungian painting on the hero myth. Oil on canvas, original piece by Antonio García Calvente


Archetypal Painting The Dragon and the Hero

Archetypal painting The Dragon and the Hero. Title: The dragon on the bust of the hero, philosophical Jungian painting on the myth of the hero. Oil on canvas, original piece by Antonio García Calvente

For Jung, the myth of the hero is the archetypal drama par excellence, it represents the search for meaning, which allows directing the will and the vital energy towards the highest purposes.

The hero is the protagonist of all transformations and actions. His process, his journey, will lead him to integrate his shadow and return as a fully conscious being.

This painting portrays the final phase of the hero’s journey.

The process of this trip is:

First moment: matriarchal status-quo. Which marks the initial moment of the inner journey, in the womb, in a cave or through the dragon.

Second moment: break with the matriarchy. The hero emerges young, sword-fighting against the dragon, who represents the archetypal mother as origin and ensnaring form.

Third moment: victory of the patriarchy. Represented by the hero’s victory over the dragon. It is the reaffirmation of the conscious-masculine self and the conquest of the virile animus. A way for the hero to gain recognition, identity, and a proper name.

Fourth phase: religation of the patriarchy with the matriarchy. Once the patriarchal phase has been overcome, the hero assumes his shadow, reconciles with himself, integrates conscious and unconscious, with a symbolic marriage between the animus and the anima, a marriage with the woman-goddess.

Technique, measurements and reference:

Oil on canvas

Paint with damage to the unrestored support

Measurements: 163x130cm

Ref.: SO1631308

Additional information

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