Landscapes in painting
The landscapes in the painting are works that normally evoke openness, luminosity, harmony. They are an easily recognizable and soothing sight and rest.
In Totom’s art collection of the past 10 years, landscapes are rare.
Although it is true that in earlier times they could be considered the main part of his artistic line, over time they became less significant.

The painter’s family keeps unpublished landscaping works, some cities like Toledo, beaches, mountains, bullfighting landscapes, rivers and some port landscapes. The landscapes that are available are from recent years or from the collection the family chose for sale.
Landscape style
We find ourselves with a simpler landscape style, without moving away from the symbolist aspect of Antonio’s art.
Artistic technique
Once again, the artistic technique is carried out with painter’s spatulas, in a search for textures and volume, playing with the textures of the oil pigments and looking for light-dark and certain shades in the lines and shapes of the painting.
In the landscapes we can verify strong contrasts, simplicity in the structure, and the persistent search for certain keys that have marked humanity.
At this stage, a sense is generated, a need to convey a new message, sometimes heartbreaking and painful, sometimes simple and beautiful.
Abstract landscapes
Abstract landscapes begin to gain meaning and importance.
The search for simplicity achieves an intense expressiveness and concentrates the gaze on the key that is sought to be delivered. Abstract landscapes are obvious, simple, concrete, and easily recognizable.
His language is simple, clear, accessible.
Bullfighting landscapes
Although in earlier times there were more realistic bullfighting landscapes, at this stage they have a different meaning.
Bulls are strength and docility at the same time. In Taoism, the bull and the cow are receptive symbols that help us understand the strength and stubbornness of feminine energy.
In the bullfighting landscapes this force is represented, they seek to awaken the will and movement. The bull does not make random movements, it is controlled, it is measured, it regulates what it can or cannot do, how far it can go. Even in the middle of the bullring, he sometimes measures avoiding harm. He is a peaceful animal even in his wild environment, which must be carefully attacked and challenged so that he becomes violent and brings out all his strength. Like the feminine, that the maternal force of the universe. It is warm, soft, tidy, it nourishes us, it is peaceful and loving, but when it turns violent, the tidal waves, earthquakes, and hurricanes it generates are devastating and tremendous.
Symbolic landscapes
Some symbolic landscapes do not try to show an external landscape, but an internal one. A landscape of what we feel, or see, or imagine. Not only what is shown to us, but that horizon that is formed before a certain vision.