Erotic art

Erotic art

The erotic art in the painting of Antonio García Calvente is sensual and provocative. There are sketches, oils, acrylics, expressionists, more realistic and abstract. They are erotic works, artistic nudes, they are intense and symbolic.

History of erotic art

Since ancient times we find sculptures, paintings, poems, theater and even traditional tales with an erotic and sexual aspect.

Sexuality is part of humanity, part of nature, so it is also part of art.

At different times we find explicit sexual references, but the taboos of the different cultures are generating that this clear and concrete manifestation is expressed more and more in disguise.

In the case of Antonio’s artistic painting, eroticism is evident, bathed in emotion and tension.

Nude sketches

Nude sketches are generally not part of erotic art, rather we should classify them as sketches of the human body, even so there are some more provocative and sensual shapes and figures.

Boceto de desnudo de mujer
Boceto de desnudo de mujer
Acuarela Desnudo de mujer
Acuarela Desnudo de mujer
acuarela mujer recostada hacia atrás, desnudo de Antonio García Calvente
acuarela mujer recostada hacia atrás, desnudo de Antonio García Calvente
Arte erótico de Antonio García Calvente
gara0048 medium

As in all aspects of art, the symbolism of the sitting or lying posture is more insinuating as it has a sexual connotation that is rarely taken into account.

Boceto desnudo de mujer acuarela de Antonio Calvente Totom
Boceto desnudo de mujer acuarela de Antonio Calvente Totom
gara0042 large
gara0042 large
gara0047 large
gara0047 large

The sketches are simple but provocative at the same time. Using inks, watercolors, or a mixture of both, they help direct the eye toward the tension of movement and posture.

The woman in the art of Antonio

Antonio portrays the woman as divine, mystical, wise and powerful. He represents her as a magician in love and in the psyche, connected with the moon, with warmth and with emotion.

A woman’s sexuality can appear as something magnetic, which she captures and hypnotizes in a terrifying way. The woman in her sexuality is shown to be knowing, strong, aware of her abilities in the art of love.

Óleo de Mujer, desnudo
Óleo de Mujer, desnudo
Cuadro expresionista Selene, desnudo de mujer del pintor Antonio García Calvente
Cuadro expresionista Selene, desnudo de mujer del pintor Antonio García Calvente
Desnudo al óleo pintura
Desnudo al óleo pintura

The cup is a very powerful feminine symbol, a symbol of love, it is the chalice, the womb of the divine mother, but also the desire in which one can lose oneself by allowing the lowest passions to control our creative power.

In many works the woman holds the cup, the cup of love, fertility, desire and passion.

Pintura mujer con copa
Pintura mujer con copa
Tomando una copa de vino pintura sobre lienzo
Tomando una copa de vino pintura sobre lienzo
Figurativo desnudo mujer con copa
Figurativo desnudo mujer con copa

The provocative woman is portrayed as free, powerful and relaxed in her sexuality.

pintura erótica desnudo mujer sobre fondo oscuro
pintura erótica desnudo mujer sobre fondo oscuro
Arte erótico desnudo de mujer obra sin título
Arte erótico desnudo de mujer obra sin título
Óleo de Desnudo
Óleo de Desnudo

Erotic paintings

The erotic paintings in the collection do not seek to portray sexuality, but emotion and passion, desire and the way in which the mind is lost in that desire. They portray the man or woman blinded by passion.

Untitled oil erotic painting
Untitled oil erotic painting
Arte erótico Compartiendo
Arte erótico Compartiendo

Expressionist and abstract erotic art

Expressionist and abstract erotic art moves away from form and commits itself even more to movement and feeling. His need to express that something that has no shape breaks with the concrete and lets himself be carried away by shapeless lines and color contrasts.

Pintura abstracta desnudo de mujer
Pintura abstracta desnudo de mujer
pintura al óleo abstracto movimiento de Antonio García Calvente
Abstracto movimiento

Thus we find ourselves with a wide variety of moving figures that hint at that human form, although completely abandoning the specificity of said form.


And these solitary figures become two, lovers, lovers who kiss, get to know each other, fight, love, dissolve. The abstract paintings of lovers are a poetic and highly sexual collection.

oil painting lovers
oil painting lovers Antonio García Calvente
abstract art lovers
abstract art lovers
oil painting lovers
oil painting lovers Antonio García Calvente

Divinities and pleasure

The divinities teach us about the most important archetypes of the mind, and among them, there is pleasure, desire, wisdom and knowledge of the hidden and secret.

Bacchus or Dionysus

Bacchus or Dionysus is the god of desire, of freedom, who uses desires and pleasures to raise consciousness. He is a divinity that shows the balance between wisdom and joy.

Retrato baco alegre en tintas
Retrato baco alegre en tintas

The minotaur and the mermaid

In mythology, the minotaur is a symbol of pleasure, of irrational and uncontrolled carnal desire. He was the son of Pesiphae, who, tormented by a desire spell that Poseidon cast on her, fell in love with a bull and could not bear sexual desire, built a wooden cow to be able to have sexual relations with the bull, and from that relationship arose the minotaur. the minotaur is a monster because he represents everything that humans desire and cannot accept, what disturbs them, what dishonors them, their most impudent and perverse desires.

Técnicas artísticas, impasto con óleos. Minotauro
Técnicas artísticas, impasto con óleos. Minotauro
alchemical paintings on paper
alchemical paintings on paper

The mermaid is also a mystical being that represents desire, but a controlled, feminine lunar desire. Considered a dangerous animal, she is also a magical and valuable woman. Her charm bewitches and captivates, her power can devour anyone, her spell can hypnotize and lose anyone who is not prepared.

This couple is a sacred, ancient alchemical and mythological symbol, which teaches us the desires transforming into love and balance.

Both, mermaid and minotaur, cannot stop being who they are, they represent aspects of the mind that we cannot avoid or ignore, they are essential aspects of human nature.

Acuarela sierana y minotauro
Acuarela sierana y minotauro
Mermaid with centaur pink tones
Mermaid with centaur pink tones
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